
위생 배수시설 설치 프로젝트 입찰 공고 2017-04-12

주 이집트대사관에서 작성한 자료입니다.


Implementation of a sanitary drainage project


Description: Implementation of a sanitary drainage project at Toukh al-Aqlam village in Marka al-Senbellayin Inn Dakahliya. The project comprises sloping networks, lifting stations and sanitary drainage discharge pipelines 

Closing date: 30 April 2017 

Bid bond: £E800,000 

Performance bond: 5 per cent of contract price 

Cost of tender documents: £E5,650 

Miscellaneous: A pre-bid meeting will be held on 16 April; open to companies classified at the Contractors

Federation in not less than Grade 3 for water and wastewater works 

Client: Potable Water & Sanitary Drainage Company in Dakahliya 

Address: Finance Department, Al-Magzar, End of Al-Obour Buildings, Ring Road, Mansoura 

Phone: (050) 2219531/ 2357882; or (202) 27947612


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