
병원 통합완성 프로젝트 입찰 공고 2017-04-14


주 이집트대사관에서 작성한 자료입니다.


Carrying out integrated finishing works at a hospital


Description: Carrying out integrated finishing works at a hospital 

Closing date: 4 May 2017 

Bid bond: £E150,000 

Cost of tender documents: £E12,000 

Miscellaneous: Tender documents can also be obtained from c/o T.H.E. Project Consultant, 122 Mohie el-Din


Abul Ezz Street, Mohandesin, Giza phone (202) 37602490, mobile (0122) 3990622, email the@2-the.com 

Client: 25th January Charity Hospital 

Address: El-Shabrawin, Sharkiya


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